Monday, May 6, 2013

Final Project Comments

Blogger is still being really glitchy for me and I am still unable to post comments. I did a google search on the issue and a few people have reported having the exact same problem, but no solution has been offered. One account said that he discovered his comments were automatically going into people's spam folders, but as far as I can tell there is no way to fix the problem. So here we go with the comments for the final project!

To Morgan:
I thought it was really creative of you to use Facebook as the primary tool for your lesson on characterization. Facebook is something so prevalent that this assignment is really something students can relate to and enjoy while still learning about character and perspective.

To Alex:
I remember that lesson plan from the Inclusion class! If I remember correctly, there's one version of the Three Little Pigs story on Youtube that goes beyond just reading the story out loud to including special sound effects that make the text more engaging for students. You certainly use a wide range of technological tools to reach out to students and create a more effective lesson.

To Vincent (from English Education Group 1):
I thought it was really compassionate of you to keep Han as the focus for this lesson plan adaptation as well. Your matrix is very thorough and I commend your originality on noting laser pointers as a viable technology for classroom use because it's a technology that I had forgotten about completely.

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